
Showing posts from February, 2021

Top 5 Winter Sweets You Simply Can’t Resist

Are you looking up some winter-specific sweets to munch on? Well! Here is a list of some great winter sweet ideas that will not only tantalize the taste buds but also power up your metabolism, build immunity, and help you cope with the winter blues. 1. Bikano Chana Almond Bite Chana or black Indian gram is an ultimate source of protein and roughage. Likewise, almonds are an arsenal of vitamins and minerals. Bikano combines them both together in this pack of 2 and helps you build a healthy body and mind. Enjoy with family or gift it to your loved ones- no matter what’s on your mind; this Bikano Chana Almond bite is the best choice. 2. Bikano Besan Laddu Not sure about a snack that will interest everyone? Bet on Bikano besan laddu , and you will never regret it. Due to its rich protein content, Besan helps in releasing more energy than carbohydrates and is easy to digest as well. 3. Bikano Panjeeri Laddu Panjeeri is an irreplaceable and timeless ingredient derived from wheat